Monday, October 30, 2006

30OCT06 There's no time like the present to start a blog! As daunting a task as it may seem at first to create an online history, I know that once I get a few ramblings to the screen it will become second nature.
My main motivation for recounting some of my adventures and thoughts is to share both the exciting and perhaps more mundane aspects of my life with friends and family in an easy and accessible format.
Without getting too cerebral about the whole undertaking, I like the notion of blogging and it's ability to break down barriers of time and geography, to build communities and encourage open communication between people of like interests. And heck, of course it's cool to see my own content on the world wide web!

Here's an image of me:

and of my alter-ego!


Blogger The Outlaw said...

Hey Anthony... Looks like you had an exciting (and busy!!) trip to China !! Got me interested in BLOGGING, so will let U2 know what is happening on that... Abi

7:54 p.m.  

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